- Harvard Business Review:“Is Collaboration the New Greenwashing?”
- Harvard Business Review: Case Study: “Imprinting the Global Health Sector“
- Stanford Social Innovation Review: “Corporate Venturing for Social Impact in the Caribbean “
- Inter-American Development Bank, Multilateral Investment Fund: “Corporate Venturing in the Caribbean”
- Ashoka Impact Magazine: “The Times, They Are A Changin’ “
- Intrapreneur Stories with Bundl
- Forbes: “Introducing the Mico-Social Intrapreneurs“
- The Guardian: “Social Innovation Means Business Becoming a Force for Good“
- Fast Company: “Fighting Counterfeit Drugs with Mobile Technology“
- Crossroads Foundation: “Innovation consultant uses core skills and passion to build bridges with refugees“
- Emerald Insight: “Social Innovation model for business performance and innovation“